
High-scoring candidates in Guangzhou: Most of them are versatile

Jinyang.com reporter Xue Jianghua Zelanian Escort

Ten years of hard work in the cold window gave me an answer. The college entrance examination is over, and candidates will stand at a new starting point and start again.

Since 12 noon yesterday, candidates in Guangdong have received this year’s college entrance examination results and provincial rankings. What is different from previous years is that this year, the screening range for high-scoring candidates in Guangdong has been expanded from the top 10 in liberal arts and sciences to the top 20 in liberal arts and sciences. In other words, a total of 40 candidates across the province had their scores blocked. Among them, Guangzhou and Shantou accounted for the majority, followed closely by Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, and Zhuhai. Zhongshan, Jieyang, and Chaozhou also had high-scoring candidates. A reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News immediately interviewed these high-scoring candidates to see what kind of dedication and “secrets” there are behind the success of the “students”.

A total of 7 candidates from Guangzhou entered the top 20 in the province this year. Among them, Tang Wen, a student from Zhixin Middle School, entered the top 20 in liberal arts in the province; Chen Zhiyan and Tan Zelin, students from Guangdong Experimental Middle School, and students from the Middle School Affiliated to South China Normal University Six students, including Tang Jingjing, Du Sijing, Zelanian Escort Chen Yingqi, and Zhixin Middle School student Li Zehua, have entered the top 20 in science in the province. The reporter noticed that most of these seven students are versatile. Some of them are athletes, as well as masters of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. It is true that they are academic masters in more than one area.

Huafu Tang Jingjing: Loves reading and reading newspapers. The twin sisters are also academic masters

Before the results come outSugar Daddy, Tang Jingjing, a third-year science student at the High School Affiliated to China Normal University, did not expect that he would do so well in the exam. Because before this, her general ranking was more than 100 in her grade. Tang Jingping said that he was also “shocked” when he suddenly “counterattacked” and ranked among the top 20 in the province in Guangdong College Entrance Examination. She also has a twin sister in the same class. “Since my senior year of high school, my sister’s grades have often been better than mine, which makes me more goal-orientedZelanian sugar “Study hard and work hard to catch up.” It is worth mentioning that Tang Jingping’s sister Tang Zhiyuan also did very well in the exam, ranking 57th in the province.

Tang Jingjing’s grades have been on a spiral upward trajectory since her freshman year of high school: her grade ranking was around the top 100 in her grade, her sophomore year in high school rose from over 50 to over 20, and she started working hard in her senior year. In terms of study, he is ranked among the top 20 students in his grade, “but he is still far away from the top students.”

After chasing all the way, Tang Jingping thought that he was in a good state of mind. “I didn’t push myself into a very nervous state as soon as I entered my senior year of high school, becauseThe three fronts are very long, and the pressure must be gradual. “In her senior year of high school, she NZ Escorts didn’t get up early or stay up late, usually 6NZ Escorts I get up at around 7 o’clock, take a nap at noon, study from 6 o’clock to 10 o’clock in the evening, and then wash up and go to bed. “I will make good use of the fragmented time, such as between classes or eating Memorizing words and reviewing Sugar Daddy notes in the time before lunch also gives yourself a good psychological hint to use your time efficiently. ”

She has different learning methods for different subjects. For example, she has two accumulation books for the dominant subject Chinese, the first one is dedicated to accumulating ancient Chinese knowledgeNewzealand Sugar points, the second book is dedicated to accumulating materials for composition Zelanian sugar, read it before the exam “There are some No. 1 pick notes circulating on the market now. I think everyone can take a look, but there is no need to imitate them. Because in fact, you have to find out the learning method that truly suits you. Everyone’s learning method is different, and the content accumulated should also vary from person to person. ”

Tang Jingping’s approach to the weak subject Physics, which was often at the bottom when he was a freshman in high school and a sophomore in high school, was to “maximize the score within the scope of ability. In the past, my problem-solving habits were not good, and the answers were correct.” No matter the process. Starting from the third year of high school, I will carefully study the process of answering questions and answer the questions according to the standards NZ Escorts. I will not force myself to calculate the answers and try to get as many points as possible. . “

Besides studying, Tang Jingping likes to read books and watch movies. “I like that her head can’t tell whether it is Zelanian EscortZelanian Escort

a>ShockedSugar Daddy or something, blank, useless. Watching brain-burning suspense movies such as “Terror Cruise” can relieve stress. “In order to understand current affairs, Tang Jingping reads newspapers every day and reads all the pages, especially local news and science and technology news in Guangzhou. “Writing articles will be more vivid.”

For the future, Tang Jingping Ning Jing said that his initial direction is engineering.Because she prefers art, she said she might apply for a major in industrial design.

Chen Yingqi of Huafu: I like the sense of accomplishment of doing a complete set of test papers

Chen Yingqi, a senior in Class 6 of the High School Affiliated to South China Normal University, is one of the top 20 in science in this year’s Guangdong College Entrance Examination. Facing high scores, she was not too excited. In front of reporters, she described herself as a “Buddhist girl” and said that Gao Pei’s mother couldn’t help laughing when she heard this, shook her head and said: “My mother I’m really kidding, where is the treasure? But although we don’t have treasures here, the scenery is pretty good. Look, “Sugar Daddy’s performance is just a bit extraordinary.” , she believes that peace of mind is the most important thing.

Chen Yingqi said that she usually likes to do papers instead of exercise books. “Exercise books usually consist of a lot of questions to practice the same knowledge point over and over again, which is very boring; a set of comprehensive papers has various question types and knowledge points. It gives a sense of accomplishment after completing it, and it can also train your ability to organize your time. “

Chen Yingqi has participated in chemistry competitions, but she modestly said that her chemistry skills are actually very average, and she is also careless and often makes some low-level mistakes. She feels that this time the mathematics and science comprehensive are not difficult: “I have finished all the mathematics, and the big questions are much easier than usual training. Science comprehensive todayZelanian EscortThe difficulty level is also relatively low, especially the physics is relatively simple, so you can save time to check.”

When it comes to the future, Chen Yingqi said that there is no particularly clear plan yet. “As for the university I want to attend in the future, I might choose Peking University or Tsinghua University. The major has not yet been decided.” She said that she prefers to study medicine, but her parents prefer her to major in economics and management.

How do top academics spend their spare time? In her spare time, Chen Yingqi especially likes to read books and watch variety shows. “When I go home to rest on weekends, I watch some variety shows, such as Longing for Life, which is very Buddhist and very suitable for me. I also watch some popular variety shows like Extreme Challenge.” Compared to variety shows, she prefers reading books and taking college entrance exams. As soon as it was over, she borrowed 13 books from the Guangzhou Library and went home, almost unable to hold them. “I’ve been reading “Literary Memoirs” by Mu Xin recently. My favorite book before was “Love in the Time of Cholera” by Garcia Marquez.”

Hua attached Du Sijing: He is “physically controlled” Already aiming for Zelanian sugar Department of Physics, Peking University

“Just do your best, my strengths are English and physics, my ambition should be It’s the Physics Department of Peking University.” Du Sijing, a student from the High School Affiliated to South China Normal University, said that he likes physics, so he would choose Peking University, which has the strongest physics department. Because I studied Guangzhou Foreign Languages ​​in junior high schoolIn school, Du Sijing’s English is very good. His secret to learning English is “Newzealand SugarLearning a language should not rely on answering questions, but should create a kind of atmosphere.”

Newzealand SugarHow to create an atmosphere? Du Sijing said that he likes to watch American TV series on Saturdays and Sundays, such as The Big Bang Theory and Westworld. In his daily studies, Du Sijing would allocate most of his time to subjects that are relatively disadvantaged. Such as Chinese and Chemistry, etc., he will spend more time on solving questions in these two subjects. In addition to studying, Du Sijing also likes to browse Zhihu or read some Japanese comics, and Sugar Daddy can watch some interesting videos on technology.

In his daily studies, Du Sijing said that his father has the greatest influence on him. Every time, no matter whether it was a big test or a small test, his father would analyze the reasons for his mistakes with him, and at the same time discuss the general direction with him. “My parents will not follow the crowd, they will have their own analysis, and they will make advance plans with me, such as finding out the university’s majors in advance. “Hua’er, don’t scare your mother, what’s wrong with you? What is not your own future? If you love the wrong person and trust the wrong person, what are you talking about? “Career situation, enrollment methods, etc., let’s analyze NZ Escorts to analyze the major and direction that suits you.”

Unlike many candidates who plan to use the summer vacation to relax, this top student from Huafu University is only thinking about how to maintain his lead after going to Peking University where there are many experts. To this end, Sugar Daddy he will study some college courses in advance during the summer vacation. In addition, he also plans to learn Japanese by himself. He said that his mother learned Japanese in college and he can ask his mother for advice. Of course, the top student also has a taste for life. In addition to studying, he also plans to pick up the guitar that has been neglected for a long time.

Guangdong Experimental Middle School Chen Zhiyan: Divide your daily time into chunks to “NZ EscortsFill in the blanks”

Chen Zhiyan is a student in Class 1, Nanshan, Guangdong Experimental Middle School. Her deepest impression on her teachers and classmates is her tenacity. Class teacher Xie Chun said that Chen Zhiyan has won the Provincial Practical School Award for two consecutive yearsNZ Escorts The female runner-up in the 800-meter race at the Olympic Games. But in fact, Chen Zhiyan hated middle-distance running very much. She said that she would rather take more exams than run 800 meters once. But later, She decided to push herself. “The more you hate something, the more you do it. This will make you more resilient. “Chen Zhiyan said. From then on, except when it rained, she insisted on running three laps every day. Although she was very tired when running, she felt relaxed. In the end, she really fell in love with running, and running became a part of her life. After running When she was doing legwork, she felt Sugar Daddy had a fulfilling day and her learning efficiency would be much higher. When it comes to learning tips, Chen Zhiyan said. She said that her most outstanding learning secret is to divide the time every day except class into chunks, and fill them up like filling in the blanks. What surprised the reporter was her meticulousness in filling in the blanks. And cherishing time, in her fill-in-the-blank questions, the time span ranges from 10 minutes to 3 hours. She does not miss any available time, such as from 7:00 to 7:20 in the morning, and from 12:00 to 12:00. :40 to 1:30, from 10:00 to 10:45 in the evening… She will fill all these spaces without wasting any time.

Chen Zhiyan’s parents are both doctors. He said that the biggest influence of his parents on him is that he can NZ Escorts adjust his mentality well, “If you do well in the exam, put some pressure on it; if you do well in the exam, If you don’t do well, encourage her.” The biggest requirement her parents have for her is to be able to win without being arrogant or discouraged by defeat. Perhaps influenced by her parents, she specifically mentioned the importance of nutrition for the senior year of high school. In her opinion, a reasonable diet It can help maintain a very good immunity and stress resistance, so that she can study for exams and live in a better state. Shengshi allows her parents to send meals every Wednesday, and the chicken soup stewed by her father has become her most anticipated meal every week. “If nutrition can. Bringing an impact of 1%, if 700 is used as the base, 1% is 7 points. ”

Like many high-scoring candidates, Chen Zhiyan is also versatile. She passed level 9 in junior high school piano. As for the future, she said she wants to study business because she likes to be more aware of dealing with peopleZelanian EscortInterest, I don’t want to just follow books all my lifeZelanian EscortBased on this.

Tan Zelin from Guangdong Experimental Middle School: Relying on calligraphy and playing table tennis to relieve stress

Tan Zelin from Class 2 of Nanshan Provincial School was a little surprised. ” Finished the examI felt that I failed the exam NZ Escorts and I had a bit of insomnia for several nights. After knowing that my scores were blocked, my dad was very excited and I felt at ease. Now, you can watch the World Cup happily. “Tan Zelin said. He is a very goal-oriented person. Every night he thinks about what he will do the next day and writes it down in a NZ EscortsNZ EscortsIn a small notebook, for example, he suddenly thought of writing an essay or something. He reminded the junior brothers and sisters to spend time with a stable attitudeNewzealand Sugar. Senior year of high school. “Senior year of high school is a long process. If you sprint every day, you will only be able to crawl through the finish line. “He said. Starting from the second year of high school, he was brought into the “pit” of table tennis by his classmates. From the second year to the third year of high school, he had to play for an hour after school every day. If he didn’t do well with the questions one day, he would play for a while. He feels refreshed. Tan Zelin’s idol is Xu Xin. He said that Xu Xin is more “romantic” in playing and has had the experience of losing miserably. Even someone as good as him will lose, so it’s a small setback in his studies. So what?

Tan Zelin’s calligraphy is very good and he likes to copy Wang Xizhi’s running script whenever he feels in love. When he was having a bad time, he would go to the school’s calligraphy room to write. “I am very grateful to my mother for instilling this hobby in me. “After the college entrance examination, he wrote a poem with the words “Wuwen Xidong” and sent it to the school. When he wrote these words, he thought that no matter what kind of situation you encounter, the choice is to follow your heart.

Classmate Tan Zelin lives in Gaoming, Foshan. When he was a child, he played with various Zelanian sugar parts in the hardware store owned by his father. , watching his father deal with all kinds of customers. He is very grateful to his mother. He said that her mother did not have a high degree of education, but she cultivated his interest in learning from an early age. She accompanied him to memorize words and learn mathematics, and encouraged him to go out and go to a broader world. He hurriedly refused and excused himself to go to his mother first just in case. ”