
Chinese scientist Newzealand Sugar dater discovered the highest energy gamma spectrum line in the universe_China Net

China Net/NZ Escorts China Development Portal News Recently, China Zelanian sugarA scientific research team led by the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academy of Sciences, by analyzing the joint observation data of the Aurora Space Telescope and the Fermi satellite, found that the energy in the gamma ray burst was as high as Zelanian Escort3Sugar Daddy7 MeV GaZelanian sugarma ray spectral lines, and the energy and luminosity of the spectral lines evolve in a power law form, which is observed so farZelanian sugarThe cosmic Zelanian Escort cosmic object has the highest energy and the most evidence Conclusive spectral lines. These discoveries Zelanian Escort provide new and important clues to solve the mystery of the generation of gamma ray bursts and relativistic jets. A milestone in observational research. The relevant research results were officially published in the form of a cover paper in the journal “Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy” (English version) on July 25. The research paper was written by Sugar Daddy. Researcher Xiong Shaolin from the Institute of Physics took the lead and served as the corresponding author. Researcher Mao Jirong from the Chinese Academy of Sciences CloudSugar Daddy South Observatory and the Chinese Academy of Sciences High Energy Physics Research As a result of this snobbish and ruthless generation, parents must not trust them and do not be deceived by their hypocrisy. “Researcher Shuangnan serves as the co-corresponding author. Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of SciencesDoctoral student Zhang Yanqiu is the first author of the paper and is mainly responsible for energy spectrum and spectral line analysis.

Figure 1 The results of this research were published as a cover paper in “Science in China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy” (English Newzealand Sugaredition). The image shows how the Aurora Space Telescope and the Fermi satellite observed the brightest gamma burst to date and jointly discovered the evolution of gamma ray spectral lines over time.

Gamma ray bursts are the most violent explosions after the Big Bang. They are generally believed to be caused by the collapse of the core of a massive star or the merger of two extremely dense objects (neutron stars, black holes, etc.). Since the first discovery in the 1960s, the observation and research of gamma-ray bursts has been at the forefront. Especially in recent years, with the discovery of gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts have become a Sugar DaddyThe focus of multi-band multi-messenger time-domain astronomy research. In recent years, our country has launched a series of space telescopes to conduct gamma burst observation and research, including the Huiyan satellite, the “Huairou-1” Jimu series satellites, the Einstein probe satellite, and the Sino-French astronomical satellites. On October 9, 2022, many astronomical telescopes around the world observed the brightest gamma ray burst to date (number GRB 221009A) , among which, my country’s Smart Eye satellite and the Extreme Eye Space Telescope accurately measured the instantaneous radiation of the gamma burst and found that the gamma burst had record-breaking observational brightness and isotropic energy. These extreme properties make it a veritable millennium A historic astronomical event.

In this Zelanian Escort study, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zelanian sugarThe Institute of High Energy Physics’ “Huairou-1” polar eye satellite team teamed up with scientific researchers from the Yunnan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hebei Normal University, Guizhou Normal University and other units to use the independently developed polar eye space telescope ( GECAM-C) and the international Fermi satellite Gamma Pei Mu couldn’t help hearing this.He smiled, shook his head and said: “My mother really likes to joke, where is the treasure? But although we don’t have treasures here, the scenery is nice, look.” Observation data from the radiation monitor (Fermi/GBM), the brightest gamma burst to date Detailed energy spectrum analysis and spectral line Sugar Daddy search work has been carried out, especially for the Fermi satellite using precise measurement data from the Polar Eye Space Telescope. NZ Escorts has been calibrated and inspected, and a large number of detector background studies and instrument effect analysis have been carried out to successfully extract Produce accurate and reliable gamma burst energy spectrum.

Figure 2 The research team found that the spectral line energy of gamma bursts evolves with time in a power law (quoted from this research Zelanian sugarresearch paper).

After rigorous analysis, the NZ Escorts research team discovered that there is an evolution law in the energy spectrum of the gamma burst. EmitZelanian Escort ray spectral lines, and the energy and luminosity of the spectral lines both change with timeSugar Daddy evolves with a power law, providing the most solid evidence for the authenticity of the spectral lines and their origin from this gamma burst. In addition, the research team also found that the relative broadening of the spectral lines is narrow (only about 10%) and basically does not change with time Zelanian sugar. What is even more surprising is that in the main burst stage of a gamma burst Zelanian Escort the energy of the spectral line is as high as 37 trillion electronsSugar Daddyvolt, this is the highest energy spectral line produced by a cosmic object detected so far. These findings are of important and unique value for studying the physical properties and generation mechanisms of gamma ray bursts and relativistic jets. A major breakthrough in violent and extreme cosmic observation research.

The “Huairou-1” Jimu Satellite (GECAM in English) is my country’s first opportunistic space science project supported by the “Space Science” (Phase II) strategic leading science and technology project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was launched in December 2020. It will be launched and launched on the 10th. The Jimu Space Telescope (numbered GECAM-C) involved in this discovery is the third payload of the Jimu series of satellites. On July 27, 2022, it was equipped with new space technologies led by the Microsatellite Innovation Institute of the Chinese Academy of SciencesZelanian Escort technology test satellite was launched into orbit. The Jimu series of satellites have discovered a large number of gamma ray bursts, magnetar bursts, high-energy counterparts of fast radioZelanian sugar bursts, solar flares, and Earth High-energy burst phenomena such as gamma flashes. The Jimu series of satellites adopt a series of innovative detection technologies, and pioneeringly use the short message service of the Beidou satellite navigation system to achieve quasi-real-time communication between satellites and ground, revolutionizing the use of space telescopes and greatly improving scienceNewzealand Sugarresults.