
Sun Menglin: Early diagnosis and scientific intervention give autistic children a promising future_China Net

China Net/China Development Portal News (Reporter Xu Lin) Autism, also known as autism, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs in early childhood. On the 125th anniversary of its founding, “Science” magazine published 125 of mankind’s most challenging scientific problems, including “What causes autism?”

Faced with this global problem that neither understands the cause nor lacks treatment methods, experts and scholars in the global industry are moving forward on the road to explore the recovery of autism, and Sun Menglin is one of them. From NZ Escorts a housewife who raises her husband and raises her children, to a world-famous industry expert, she uses the wisdom of “the ignorant are fearless” With his original intention and passion to help autistic children, he has been deeply involved in the development of my country’s autism rehabilitation industry and witnessed the arduous journey of countless families with autism.

On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day on April 2, the reporter interviewed the deputy director of the Autism Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the China Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Association, Wucailu, on the diagnosis and scientific intervention of autism. Sun Menglin, founder of the Children’s Behavior Correction Center and president of the Colorful Deer Research Institute.


Colorful Deer Sun Menglin, founder of the Children’s Behavior Correction Center and director of the Colorful Deer Research Institute (Photo by China Net/Hao Yan)

Early DiagnosisNZ Escorts

Sun Menglin said that with the development of mankind, the proportion of people with autism is increasing year by year. “I entered this industry 20 years agoZelanian sugarIn the industry, the data I heard was 1/168, and then more and more. 10 years ago we released the first “China’s Autism Education and Rehabilitation Industry” Development statusZelanian sugar Status Report”, the flow survey result was 1/100, and now, the latest data released by the United States is about 1/36.”

At present, through early screening in China, some children with severe autism can be detected, and they can be found at about one year old, one and a half years old, or earlier. Some children do not respond to shaking objects for a hundred days; some children are relatively quiet and do not cry or make fuss for several hours; some children do not interact with others and do not look at others; some children Zelanian sugarSub-language development is delayedZelanian Escort. However, some children have mild symptoms and even have extraordinary abilities in some aspects, such as a photographic memory of Chinese characters and numbers. Sugar Daddy He has an extraordinary memory and is considered a genius. However, the core disorder of autism is sociality, and they have social difficulties. “In fact, in kindergartens, there is about one such child in each class, but because their symptoms are mild, they are often not discovered in time and miss the golden intervention period. This makes us particularly sad. The rooms of these children are very quiet, as if There is no one else in the world but her. If she can be diagnosed early and intervene in time, Sugar Daddy can save a family. .” Sun Menglin said regretfully.

Scientific Intervention

When talking about the effectiveness of early intervention for autistic children, Sun Menglin said that autistic children are very different and there is no comparability between them. . Many parents have wonderful expectations that their children will be able to return to society, get married and have children in 20 years. But in fact, Sugar Daddy only 10%-15% of these children can do it. They are high-functioning autism/Asthma Berg patients, including some extremely talented children, can make great contributions to society if they receive good intervention. Just like Zhu Deyong, Chen Jingrun and other famous figures. There are also 10%-15% who are severely autistic and whose goal is to solve self-care problems. 70% of patients in between can basicallyTo implement Sugar Daddy sheltered employment.

For now, China’s intervention system is still in the improvement stage. “The milder the child’s symptoms and the earlier scientific intervention is carried out, the better the effect will be. Before the age of 6 is the best period for intervention and rescue. The brain has strong plasticity and can change the degree of pathology of the child. If the parents are wise enough and have the right ideas, through intensive scientific intervention With intervention, the child may recover particularly well.” Sun MengNZ Escorts Lin said that she has seen a large number of such cases. One child started intervention when he was 1 and a half years old. The parents were very cooperative and had the correct concepts and methods, and the results were particularly good. “The young man has grown to 1.9 meters and went to college.” However, she also admitted that some parents think that because their children have mild autism, Zelanian EscortAs the child grows older, it will get better, so there was no timely intervention, and the result was very regrettable. “Therefore, it is very important for the public to understand the destructiveness of this disease and realize the importance of timely scientific intervention.”

After the age of 6, the development of the brain has basically been finalized. Changing a child’s pathological state is actually a challenge, but it is possible to intervene and the child can make great progress. Sun Menglin gave an example. A father spent 15 years starting from the age of 8 to help a child with severe autism who was judged by doctors to be unable to speak for life to be basically able to live Zelanian sugarA young man who takes care of himself, has a job, and can drive. “The child loves cars very much and is eager to learn to drive, but everyone thinks that it is impossible for an autistic child to learn to drive. This father has ruled out all oddsZelanian sugar It’s difficult, it took more than 1,000 hours to teach him to drive, but the child actually learned it Newzealand SugarThis is really Zelanian sugar Miracle! “Sun Menglin said that this parent passed on correct educational concepts and developed a very scientific and personalized intervention plan for his children. Persevere and give your best to encourage the development of children’s interests and cultivate their self-confidence, socan succeed.

How to intervene

Sun Menglin introduced that the current main intervention method for autism is behavioral intervention, mainly education. Children with autism may have deficiencies in language, movement, imitation, cognition, and fine motor skills. Many parents take their children to take corresponding courses to make up for their shortcomings, NZ Escorts But in fact, because the core obstacle of autism is social interaction, Therefore, it may be the most effective way to let children learn social interaction through games and improve corresponding skills in social interaction. In addition, parents should find out their children’s areas of interest and use things that interest their children to cultivate their NZ Escorts self-confidence. “What he likes to do, he will naturally do well.” Sun Menglin said, “You must replace the short with the long. If you are in a short placeNZ Escorts If we work hard, the hole will get bigger and bigger. ”

Sun Menglin emphasized that intervention takes a long time, and for children with relatively mild symptoms, at least three years of intensive intervention are required. It is not enough for a child to communicate superficially. Intervention is needed until the child can communicate with others on a deeper level. Some children are fine, please wake up early. Come, my wife can tell you what happened in detail. After listening to it, you will definitely be like your daughter-in-law. I believe your husband must have only intervened for a few months and the effect was very good. But once he returns to the kindergarten, It was returned. “So you must first lay the foundation Zelanian sugar, develop your personal abilities well, and then practice social interaction through games with parents and familiar children , then join some interest classes that ordinary children participate in, and come into contact with more people. Finally, the process of generalization in society may be very long and may Newzealand SugarIt takes tens of thousands of hours to do this, so be patient.”

Speaking of this, Sun Menglin gave an example that made her very sad. There is a child who was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. He has very strong learning ability and is at the top of his class. He also plays the piano very well. However, when he was in junior high school, he was bullied by his classmates and it was difficult for him to continue going to school. At this time, the parents discovered that the child’s self-care ability was actually very poor, and the most basic social skills had not been exercised. Only then did the parents realize that they might have taken the wrong path. “We can go to school to study, but learning knowledge is not the main purpose, but to use the school environment to achieveOur own goals are to be able to take care of ourselves, understand social behavioral norms, enhance social skills, and develop skills. ”

International Cooperation

Sun Menglin said that China’s autism rehabilitation started relatively late, and there are some advanced concepts and scientific methods abroad that are worth learning from. . In the past 20 years, Wucailu has carried out academic exchanges with hundreds of foreign experts from more than a dozen countries, introduced advanced foreign technologies to China, hired foreign experts as technical directors, and combined China’s national conditions with “slave thinking, but I want to stay by my side and serve the lady for the rest of my life. “Cai Xiu wiped the tears on his face, pursed his lips and smiled bitterly, and said: “This slave has no relatives in this world. Lihe culture has been localized and has established a teacher training system, a parent training system, a supervision system, and a quality control system. A suite of early intervention techniques including Sugar Daddy and Zelanian EscortStandardize. In addition, it has signed cooperation agreements with Queens College of the City University of New York and the New York State Multilingual Speech-Language-Listening, Reading and Writing Coaching Institute to introduce a speech therapist qualification certification system and the American Rudolph Robbins music therapy technology. . “Practice has shown that these advanced technologies are very effective in the rehabilitation of autistic children.” Sun Menglin said.

Teachers play a vital role in the intervention process for autistic children. However, the talent gap in domestic special education is very large and there are insufficient professionals. Therefore, Sun Menglin pays special attention to talent training, focusing on both theoretical learning and practical application. Over the years, Colorful Deer has trained thousands of teachers all over the country. Sun Menglin said frankly, “When our teachers were poached at first, I was very sad and angry. But later, I figured it out. They learned intervention techniques and could help more people. I did something It is a very meaningful thing that can promote the development of China’s industry.”

Understanding and ToleranceSugar Daddy

Sun Menglin said that in recent years, the country has introduced many policies with great support, and schools have zero rejection of autistic children. But in fact, the public’s awareness of autism is not enough. Many people think that autism is a mental illness. “>Zelanian sugar An unforced daughter-in-law, Mother Pei was silent for a while, and finally compromised.He nodded, but conditionally. Problems, like depression, there are also some misunderstandings and discrimination against autistic people in society. Therefore, it is important to popularize the knowledge of autism Newzealand Sugar , let everyone know more about this group, and then it is possible to understand and tolerate it.

“In inclusive education, teachers need to create an accepting environment for autistic children, encourage them to develop their strengths, enhance their self-confidence, and provide them with strong support.” Some parents are prejudiced against autistic children , educate your children to stay away from them. Regarding this phenomenon, Sun Menglin said that in fact, helping autistic children is beneficial to the growth of ordinary children Zelanian Escort. She gave an example, “In a very good private school in Japan, there are half ordinary children and half autistic children. The educational philosophy of this school is to Zelanian EscortOur children understand that there are people in this world who are different from us, they need help, and how we can help them. In this way, children can have love. In fact, this is A transmission of positive energy that tells us that every child is different and everyone will encounter difficulties. If we lift our hands and help them, they may return.”

Children with autism need to be wholehearted. Social and all-round support, for the future, Sun Menglin looks forward to, “The whole society can have an inclusive mentality to understand autism, care for autism, and support autism families. Only in this way can we have a harmonious society. I believe There will be a day like this.”