
The integration of data and reality creates new advantages in development: a new form of ternary integration of humans, machines and objects_China Net

China Net/China Development Portal News Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party and the country have attached great importance to the integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy. The integrated application of digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence in the real economy has become more and more important. The deeper, the wider. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to promote the integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy, grasp the direction of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, promote the digitalization of manufacturing, service, agriculture and other industries, and use new Internet technologies to carry out all-round and full-chain development of traditional industries. transformation, improve total factor productivity, and give full play to the amplification, superposition, and multiplication effect of digital technology on economic development. According to the “China Digital Economy Development Research Report (2023)”, in 2022, the penetration rate of the digital economy in my country’s primary, secondary and tertiary industries will reach 10.5%, 24.0% and 44.7% respectively. Accelerating the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy has become a new engine for the transformation and upgrading of my country’s traditional industries and an inevitable choice for high-quality economic development.

Looking around the world, the integration of the digital economy and the real economy (hereinafter referred to as “digital-real integration”) is also a strategic choice for the world’s major countries to create new competitive advantages. In 2006, the National Science Foundation proposed “Cyber-Physical Systems”, which aims to integrate sensing, computing, control and networks into physical objects and infrastructure, and connect them to the Internet and each other. ; Since then, the United States has formulated the “National Advanced Manufacturing Strategy” in 2012, 2018 and 2022, emphasizing the application of digital technology to manufacturing to improve Zelanian EscortThe high competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing industry drives the reshoring and upgrading of the U.S. manufacturing industry and reshapes the country’s competitiveness in the field of advanced manufacturing. Since Germany proposed the concept of “Industry 4.0” in 2013, it has successively launched strategies such as “Recommendations for Implementing the “Industry 4.0″ Strategy”, “Digital Strategy 2025”, and “German Industrial Strategy 2030”, and has achieved comprehensive awareness and understanding of the production process through digital technology. Control and promote the integration of the physical world and the virtual network world; in 2022, Germany further proposed the “Manufacturing-X” plan, which aims to stimulate the value of data elements by building a data space and promote the overall systematic digital transformation of the supply chain to ensure that Germany Global leader in industry. Faced with prominent social problems such as aging and declining birthrate, Japan has proposed the “Society 5.0” strategy. Among them, the “Internet Industry” strategy collects massive data to connect people, equipment, systems, technologies, etc., and analyzes data across multiple types of information. It conducts artificial intelligence (AI) analysis on big data, including customer and consumer needs, supplier inventory information and delivery information, etc., thereby not only solving manufacturing problems, but also striving to solve the severe social challenges facing Japan.

In general, relying on sensors, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to realize the interaction between the physical world and the digital worldMutual sensing, control, and optimization have become important ways for the country to improve its industrial competitiveness and solve social development problems. This article aims to further grasp the essential laws of digital-real integration, clarify the enabling path of digital-real integration, analyze the development trend of digital-real integration, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for further promoting the integration of data and reality and shaping new advantages in my country’s economic development.

Digital economy and its enabling nature

From a historical perspective, human society has experienced an agricultural society, an industrial society, and is entering a knowledge society. . In this process, each society has its iconic technology, iconic economic form, as well as iconic features, tools, objects, etc., thus forming different social forms. The digital economy is a typical economic form of the knowledge society, such as the agricultural economy to the agricultural society and the industrial economy to the industrial society. For the knowledge society, a new economic form characterized by knowledge is being given birth to.

Digital economy is a typical economic form of knowledge society

Today’s society is making great strides from the industrial economy era to the knowledge economy era. In 1996, the “Knowledge-based Economy” report released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) proposed that “the knowledge economy ” is an economy based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge and information. The UNESCO report “Towards a Knowledge Society” believes that the core of a knowledge society is the ability to identify, produce, process, transform, disseminate and use information in order to create and apply knowledge necessary for human development. Knowledge resources are surpassing natural resources such as land, water, plants, minerals, and energy, and increasingly becoming a key element and the most important resource for the development of social productivity.

The rise of the digital economy has brought new possibilities to the production, dissemination and use of knowledge. There is a new model for the generation of knowledge. Based on artificial intelligence’s learning of large-scale data and industry knowledge, multi-domain knowledge can be deeply integrated, hidden patterns and associations can be identified and mined, and human cognitive boundaries have been expanded. The expression of knowledge takes on a new dimension. The professional technologies and knowledge of the traditional real economy have been digitized, modularized, and standardized, which promotes the explicitness of tacit knowledge and greatly improves the reusability of knowledge. The spread of knowledge breaks through traditional boundaries. The exclusivity of knowledge in the traditional industrial economy era was broken, and an open knowledge society gradually formed.

The empowering nature of digital-real integration

The real economy is the foundation of a country and the foundation of its strength. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that we must “persist in focusing our economic development on the real economy.” In essence, the integration of data and reality is the increase of production factors and the reduction of uncertainty. The three-dimensional integration of humans, machines and objects is the link between digital and reality integration (Figure 1).

The integration of data and reality is an increase in production factors. In agricultural society and industrial society, economic development It mainly relies on production factors such as land, labor, capital, and technology. With the continuous integration of digital technology and economic activities, production activitiesZelanian sugar NZ Escorts‘s data acquisition, transmission, storage, processing, and processing capabilities have been greatly improved, with massive industrial data, user data, and industry chains Upstream and downstream data continue to emerge, which provides strong support for enterprises to open up all links and multi-dimensional data to carry out strategic competitive decisions, and Bringing value added. Data has become increasingly important in production and competition, gradually becoming independent from auxiliary resources and becoming the core production factor for the digital economy to empower the real economy. According to the “Digital China Development Report (2022)”. , my country’s data output will reach 8.1 ZB in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 22.7%, accounting for 10.5% of the world, ranking second in the world. Of course, the advantage of data stock alone is not enough to meet the urgent demand for data elements in economic and social development. What is more important is to use a complete supporting system to promote the orderly circulation and use of data in the market like other commodities, and to realize the integration and connection of data in various fields, thereby truly unleashing the value creation of data in the real economy.

The fusion of numbers and reality is the reduction of uncertainty. Norbert Wiener, the American mathematician and founder of cybernetics, proposed that information, matter and energy are the three major elements of the real world. Since the information possessed by the parties to the transaction is different, it will affect the efficiency of the market mechanism in allocating resources, causing the party with the information advantage to obtain more surplus in the transaction, and the profit distribution will appear. “It doesn’t matter, you name it.” “Lan Yuhua nodded. A serious imbalance in the allocation structure is a market failure caused by information asymmetry. Under the development of the digital economy, based on data aggregation, cleaning, and processing, through the Internet of Things technology, big data analysis and AI The application will generate multi-dimensional information that will help to gain insight into the market, capture trends, and discover patterns, thereby reducing information asymmetry in the traditional real economy and improving the optimization and control of production material and energy flows and the efficiency of resource use. For example, With the development of digital platforms, information from the supply side and demand side is gathered on the platform; under the influence of algorithms, the information from both sides is accurately and efficiently matched to achieve optimal allocation of resources.

The three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and objects is the link between digital and real integration. In today’s world, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are accelerating. New generation information technologies such as big data, Internet, artificial intelligence, 5G communications, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things are the most active key technology groups in this round of scientific and technological revolution. Application empowerment It is in the ascendant, blurring the boundaries between human society (people), digital space (machine), and the physical world (things). A new form of digital-real integration based on the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things is taking shape. The widespread application of products and technologies such as smartphones, wearable devices, and virtual reality (VR) enables human activities to be mapped in virtual space; technologies such as the Industrial Internet and smart manufacturing enable machines to perform tasks more intelligently, thereby optimizing the production process. , improve production efficiency; Internet of Things technology enables the physical world to have the ability to perceive and interact, thus forming an interconnected ecosystem. The connectivity between people and people, people and things, and things and things expands from physical space to digital space, and remote, full-time, and global connections become a reality; the interactive integration of machine capabilities and human capabilities achieves a leap in productivity . The three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things not only improves productivity, it is and will continue to generate new business models and service methods, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the real economy.

The path for systemic change in industries empowered by digital-physical integration

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the digital economy is highly innovative, highly permeable, and wide-covering sex. The digital economy’s empowerment of the real economy shows the characteristics of the whole process and the whole chain, penetrating into every link such as R&D and innovation, production and manufacturing, collaborative integration, and supply services, thereby nurturing systemic changes in the real economy.

The digital economy empowers the real economy to accelerate R&D and innovation

Innovation is the source of power for industries to continue to maintain competitiveness. Driven by digital technology, the real economy’s innovative thinking, innovation models, and innovation cycles are undergoing comprehensive and profound changes.

The digital economy leads open innovation thinking. The development of the digital economy has transformed innovative entities from an exclusive relationship of perfect competition to a symbiotic and win-win relationship, and from closed innovation to open innovation; at the same time, the network effect of the Internet platform has also caused a single enterprise, a single industry, a single region, a single The country’s innovation model has been broken, and the vitality of open innovation with the participation of the whole society has been stimulated. For example, software open source is a typical practice of open innovation. Through the open source community, developers from all over the world jointly promote the iteration and enrichment of software functions.

Data sharing promotes collaborative innovation model. Relying on big data, blockchain and other digital technologies, the open innovation ecosystem breaks the information barriers of regions, departments, organizations and links, accelerates the dissemination of information upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and achieves collaboration between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain with a componentized and modular flexible architecture. Innovation, new business formats and new models in the service industry.

Digital closed loop shortens the iterative innovation cycle. In the digital age, the traditional one-way innovation path has evolved into closed-loop iterative innovation. After product prototypes enter the market, digital technology can promptly collectUser usage habits, product performance and other data are fed back up to the innovation chain, guiding the R&D link to fully understand market demand, thereby forming a B2C2B data closed loop, promoting the close connection between the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and promoting the spiral direction of industrial innovationZelanian Escort style iterative upgrade.

The digital economy empowers the real economy to optimize production and manufacturing

As a core link in the development of the real economy, production is one of the important ways for the digital economy to empower traditional industries. As the integration of data and reality deepens, three major changes will occur.

Change from product-centered to user-centered. Driven by big data, various industries in the real economy capture user needs more clearly and accurately, guiding the transformation of traditional product-centered production values ​​​​to user-centered values; customized productionNZ Escorts and the user-first philosophy not only enhance the user experience, Sugar Daddy Improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

Transform from experience-driven to knowledge-driven. Using Numbers “I am the one who should say thank you.” Pei Yi shook his head, hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but said to her: “I ask you, mother, and my family, hope to optimize the means, the production process Domain knowledge, tacit knowledge or experience is solidified into process-based, standardized and intelligent software components, thereby achieving precisely controlled process production and improving production efficiency and production levels.

Scale to flexibility. Transformation. Based on the explicitness and modularization of knowledge, digital technology provides the possibility to automatically complete the combination of various elements according to established rules, realize the automation of the production process, and support the flexible manufacturing model of multiple varieties and small batches. For example, Haier Home Appliances Shenyang. The factory, based on the industrial Internet, realizes high-quality and efficient interconnection of man-machine and machine-machine, and creates a flexible production line that supports more than 500 types of products, thus bringing about a substantial increase in customer customization and a substantial improvement in production efficiency.

The digital economy empowers the real economy to promote synergy and integration

Industrial synergy is the fundamental guarantee for the efficient and orderly operation of the real economy. The digital economy helps the real economy achieve synergy and integration within and between industries. Improve industrial competitiveness and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

From the perspective of vertical intra-industry collaboration, the data integration of terminal sensing based on the Internet of Things and the industrial Internet platform has enabled the upstream and downstream of the real economy industry chain to improve materials, production, Information barriers in procurement and logistics distribution can be broken through; at the same time, the dynamic matching of supply and demand information reduces supply costs and improves the stability of the industrial chain. It also provides opportunities for new industries such as industrial equipment sharing, personnel sharing, production capacity sharing, and virtual industrial parks.Dynamic and new models lay a solid foundation for information collaboration.

From the perspective of horizontal inter-industry collaboration, digital technology helps industries expand industry connotation and development space through cross-field information docking, demand docking, and service docking. Manufacturing servitization is one of the representative directions of cross-industry collaborative development. Under the influence of digital technology, the manufacturing value chain has transformed from manufacturing-centered to service-centered. Through digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and 5G communications, on the basis of product sales, we can further provide extended services such as operating status monitoring and preventive maintenance to increase the added value of products and assist industrial transformation and upgrading.

The digital economy empowers the real economy to improve supply capabilities

Under the traditional supply model, information communication between producers and consumers is poor, making it difficult to meet market demand in a timely manner. Digital technologies such as the Internet of Things, social networks, and digital platforms provide industries with multiple channels to reach consumers, making user demand and user experience a new driving force for industrial supply to improve the level of industrial service supply.

The digital economy expands the breadth of the real economy market. Under the influence of digital technology, the traditional single offline supply model has been fully transformed into an online and offline integrated development model. Tools such as the Internet, mobile Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence break the space and time constraints of traditional marketing, allowing companies to reach target customers more broadly. Especially in the real economy’s expansion of overseas markets, the digital economy plays an important role. According to statistics, my country’s cross-border e-commerce import and export scale will reach 2.1 trillion yuan in 2022, an increase of 30.2% compared with 2020.

The digital economy improves the accuracy of services in the real economy. On the basis of onlineization, the physical industry uses digital means to collect consumption data, and uses data analysis to learn user behavior patterns and demand characteristics, forming digital portraits of users, making products and services more accurate, timely, and diverse.

The development stages and trends of digital-real fusion

The initial stage of digital-real fusion: technology-driven

Early digital-real fusion has achieved Benefit from the rise of the Internet and the popularity of computers. In the 1990s, as Internet technology became increasingly mature, network access rapidly became popular around the world, and digital technology rapidly spilled over from the information industry, thus bringing about a comprehensive impact on the economy and society. In 1995, the book “Digital Survival” predicted the impact of digital technology on future production, life, and education. During this period, the typical practice of applying digital technology to the real economy was the widespread application of enterprise information systems, such as the use of enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and other systems. Although academia and industry mostly refer to this stage of digital technology application process as “informatization,” its essence is still the integration of data and reality.

The fusion of data and reality at this stage has three characteristics: digitization. Various physical entities and natural information are converted into data expressed in 0s and 1s and stored in computers, so that computers and software can identify, control, store, and calculate.Computing and other data can be converted from paper documents to digital documents; although this has improved the efficiency of information access, it has not yet achieved business process optimization and value creation. A la carte. Digital technology is only used in specific aspects of business, such as using ERP systems for enterprise production management, using CRM systems for enterprise customer management, and using office automation (OA) systems for enterprise office management. discretization. The application of digital technology is still relatively fragmented, and there is a lack of coordination and connectivity between applications in each link. For example, enterprises use different information systems in different business units, resulting in data that cannot be shared and coupled.

The development stage of digital-real integration: data-driven

In the 21st century, with the rapid development of the Internet and mobile Internet, the platform economy is rapidly emerging, and massive data are continuously being collected, stored, and Process and use to create new valueNZ Escorts. In 2012, the New York Times published an article “The Era of Big Data”, pointing out that “big data” is having a profound impact on every field, announcing the arrival of the era of big data.

The digital-real fusion at this stage shows three characteristics: networking. As a large number of users, machines, and items are connected to the Internet, the connections between people and people, people and things, things and things, and services and services are experiencing explosive growth. Under the influence of Metcalfe’s Law, the resulting network value has also shown exponential growth, opening up vast new space for development of the real economy. Data shows that as of the end of 2022, the number of Internet users in my country has reached 1.067 billion, and the number of mobile IoT terminal users has reached 1.845 billion; my country has become the first country in the world to have a “Superman of Things”. Platformization. The platform economy has risen rapidly at this stage, forming a huge digital ecosystem. This ecosystem achieves efficient connections between supply and demand by gathering and integrating massive amounts of data, allowing enterprises, service providers and consumers to more conveniently participate in digital economic exchanges and cooperation, and promotes the rapid development of the real economy. Valuation. The emergence and popularization of big data can not only provide effective support for decision-making activities, but also profoundly affect and change the production models of all walks of life. This is reflected not only in terms of economic value such as empowering the real economy to reduce transaction costs, improving production efficiency, and expanding market space, but also in terms of social value such as improving people’s livelihood and well-being and achieving sustainable development. For example, Didi Chuxing Technology Co., Ltd. cooperates with Jinan, Wuhan and other places to use traffic control department traffic data and combine it with smart traffic algorithms to automatically adjust changesNewzealand SugarLight time; By optimizing more than 2,000 intersection signal lights, Jinan City’s congestion delay time during peak hours has been reduced by an average of 20%. This not only improves traffic operation efficiency, but also reduces carbon emissions caused by congestion.

Deepening stage of digital-real integration:Intelligent driver

With the release of the chat robot ChatGPT, artificial intelligence technology represented by large models has entered a new stage of accelerated implementation, providing new tools and injecting new momentum into the integration of data and reality. my country’s large model industry is booming and has entered the “Hundred Model Era”; among them, there are general large models such as “Wen Xin Yi Yan” and “Pangu”, as well as industry large models for vertical fields such as education, finance, and media. These Zelanian EscortSugar Daddy are big models Provide services for professional solutions for specific business scenarios and promote the integration of data and reality into a new stage of intelligence drive.

This stage of digital-real integration shows three further deepening characteristics, bringing huge changes to the development of the real economy: subverting the way of intelligent interaction. Relying on technologies such as machine vision and natural language models, the supply of digital technology is closer to human interaction habits than ever before, thus lowering the threshold for using artificial intelligence technology and providing a feasible path for artificial intelligence to empower the real economy. Enhance multimodal data fusion. Large models integrate text, images, audio, video and other multi-modal data, allowing machines to more comprehensively and deeply understand complex scenarios in the real economy, optimizing and improving the model’s ability to serve the real economy. Promote the emergence of new knowledge. Driven by new theories and technologies such as the mobile Internet, big data, supercomputing, sensor networks, and brain science, artificial intelligence presents characteristics such as deep learning, cross-border integration, human-machine collaboration, open group intelligence, and autonomous control. It can Discovering the laws and patterns hidden behind the data provides new ideas and methods for the emergence of new knowledge and creates new possibilities for the development of the real economy. For example, Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. cooperated with Geely Automobile to build a knowledge base in the automotive field based on model pre-training on tens of millions of unlabeled data, thereby saving 85% of research and development time and costs and realizing large-scale models. Empower R&D to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Integration of data and realityZelanian EscortDevelopmentNZ EscortsTrend: People-oriented three-dimensional integration of man, machine and material

Technology-driven has laid an important foundation for the integration of data and reality. Data-driven has expanded the elements of digital-real integration, and intelligent drive will It will become a powerful engine for the integration of data and reality. In the future, the development of digital technology will extend from the economic field to the entire human society, with the help of cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobile communications, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, brain-computer interface and other technologies to realize the transformation of human society (Information sharing and collaborative computing between people) – digital space (machine) – the physical world (things) form a new form of digital-real integration that is human-centered and a three-dimensional fusion of humans, machines and things, serving people’s needs and ultimately facing challenges in national development. provide solutions to major economic and social problems.

The people-oriented three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things, and the digital-real integration will promote three new trends in my country’s economic development: Collaboration. Through Newzealand Sugar, the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines and things enables real-time perception of human needs and the status of the physical world and digital space through the interconnection of all things and the intelligent connection of all things. , thereby accelerating the efficient coordination and optimal allocation of the three major elements of material, information, and energy, providing new possibilities for improving industrial resilience and the quality of economic development. For example, intelligent manufacturing uses technologies such as human-machine collaboration, robot automation, and digital twins to quickly perceive changes in the environment and demand in production activities and make timely responses. Servitization. The fundamental purpose of the integration of data and reality is to make technology better benefit the people’s well-being. Human needs, experience and participation are the core of the integration of data and reality; human, machine and material threeSugar Daddy Meta-integration will promote the real economy to organize customized production activities around the individual needs of individuals, so that everyone will have lifelong education, social leisure, shopping and entertainment, health care, food, clothing, housing and transportation, etc. Enjoy more precise, more comfortable and higher quality service. For example, Internet of Things applications will monitor users’ health data such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep quality in real time, thereby providing personalized health management. Go green. In the economic development form of the three-dimensional integration of human, machine and materialZelanian sugar, the production of products will take the actual needs of people as the starting point and final destination Point, made on demand. This not only accurately meets individual needs, but also avoids the waste of resources caused by over-supply; humans and nature will gradually realize harmonious coexistence, and machines will gradually rise from tools to human partners, realizing the realization of human society (people)-digital space ( machine) – the coordination and unity of the physical world (things).

Problems, challenges and countermeasures faced by digital-real integration

Problems and challenges

Currently, my country’s digital economy and real economy continue to integrate Deepen and achieve positive results. However, the new form of development that is far from the deep integration of human, machine and material is still in theoretical methods, industrial technology, social Newzealand SugarWe still face problems and challenges in social ethics and other aspects.

Theoretical method level. The underlying logic of deep integration of humans, machines and objectsTo be optimized. How to make machines better serve people’s production and life, promote the inclusiveness of the workplace, and improve the quality of people’s lives, is The core of digital-real fusion under the fusion of humans, machines, and things is to make machines serve people rather than replace them. A theoretical system that deeply integrates production and manufacturing with social needs needs to be established urgently. Existing data-real integration is mostly centered on business scenario workflow and focuses on using new generation information Zelanian Escort technology to improve production efficiency; however, it is still There is a lack of connection from production and supply to demand satisfaction, and the integration of the people’s practical needs for education, medical care, etc. with the service and manufacturing system. A theoretical system that solves economic and social development problems with a closed loop of production, manufacturing and service needs has not yet been formed.

Industrial technology level. Insufficient fusion of human, machine and object data. In a digital society where humans, machines, and things are integrated, human needs are transformed and connected between different scenarios, which places high demands on cross-industry, cross-domain, cross-time, and cross-space data fusion. Existing data fusion mostly focuses on a single field and is difficult to meet the computing needs of cross-domain and multi-type data in the context of ternary fusion of humans, machines and objects. The standard specification systemNZ Escorts is not sound. The development of digital-real integration of the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things requires the support of a standard specification system; however, different companies and industries currently use different data formats and standards, which results in the inability to circulate and share data and increases the difficulty of data integration. Network security issues are prominent. The three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things enables a large number of enterprises of different sizes and different types of human-computer interaction devices to access the InternetZelanian sugar. This leads to the expansion of network attack surfaces and intensified network security risks, which in turn threatens the safety of personal life and property, and even threatens economic and social security and even national security.

Social and ethical aspects. Data privacy and security issues. In the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines and things, a large amount of real economic data will be collected and used, which may lead to personal privacy leaks, data abuse and data security incidentsNewzealand Sugar. Especially in the future, with the mature use of technologies such as brain-computer interfaces and biochips that are deeply integrated with human movement and thinking, people’s consciousness and emotions may face the risk of being read, or even hijacked, rewritten, and deleted. The problem of algorithmic bias. Due to algorithm design flaws or incomplete data in algorithm model training, the algorithm willPrejudice and discrimination by certain groups, thereby deviating from the original intention of making technology benefit mankind. Algorithmic uninterpretability. Artificial intelligence models have “black box” characteristics, and their internal operating mechanisms are difficult to explain. As technologies such as artificial intelligence continue to be increasingly applied in the real economy, it is crucial that algorithms can be explained in manufacturing, medical, transportation and other fields. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the transparency and accountability of algorithms. Employment and social equity issues. The integration of data and reality may lead to the reduction of jobs in some traditional industries, while also creating new job opportunities. However, most of the new jobs require workers to have higher digital skills, which may affect workers’ fair employment opportunities and lead to social inequality.

Countermeasures and Suggestions

Deepen the research on theoretical methods for the integration of humans, machines, materials, and reality. Construct a people-centered theoretical framework for the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and objects. “Mom, this is exactly what my daughter wants. I don’t know if the other party will accept it.” Lan Yuhua shook her head. Driven by major issues and the vision of future social development, we will conduct in-depth research on the theoretical framework of the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things, break through the development model of digital-real integration that simply aims to improve efficiency, and form a logical system of digital-real integration development that is people-oriented and complementary between humans and machines. Build an evaluation system for human-machine collaboration. In order to make machines better serve human goals, an evaluation system for human-machine collaboration should be established from the dimensions of human-machine collaboration efficiency, human-machine collaboration quality, and human-machine collaboration satisfaction to improve the operability and evaluability of human-machine collaboration. Guide various industries to carry out people-oriented digital and real integration to protect the basic rights and interests of workers.

Deepen the exploration and demonstration of the integration of human, machine, physical, digital and real applications. Develop unified data standards. Focus on the key areas of three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things, and organize industry associations, enterprises, and experts in the field to formulate standards. Promote data circulation and sharing by formulating cross-industry and cross-field data exchange and sharing standards. Build a cross-industry and cross-field data space. In key areas such as education, medical care, and transportation, advanced data fusion technology is used to integrate full life cycle related data based on people’s needs to achieve unified storage, management, analysis, and services of multi-field and multi-scenario data, and promote cross-border data integration. Trusted sharing of spatio-temporal and cross-scenario Sugar Daddy data meets the data fusion needs in the context of the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and objects. Accelerate application demonstrations in key scenarios. Explore the human-centered human-machine Sugar Daddy three-dimensional integration of scene innovation and model innovation, and launch human-machine-things in fields such as smart transportation and smart medical care. Three-dimensional integration pilot demonstration. By exploring the standardized development of the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines and things, Zelanian sugar, forming experiences and models that can be replicated and promoted. Strengthen network security prevention capabilities. Deploy advanced threat detection and response systems to promptly identify and respond to potential security threats; strengthen privacy protection technology and strengthen identity verification Zelanian Escort, and perform data analysis without exposing the original data.

Deepen the construction of technical ethics standards for the integration of humans, machines, materials, and reality. Strengthen the establishment of data collection and use standards. For different data-real integration scenarios, clearly define the principles for data collection, use, storage and sharing to ensure individuals’ right to know and control the collected data. Strengthen the classification and classification supervision of algorithms. Establish an algorithm review agency, based on the differences in algorithm application scenarios and their impact on economic and social security, including the public and commercial fields. An algorithm classification and hierarchy system; for areas closely related to national public security, strengthen information disclosure of relevant data and algorithms, and establish a traceability and accountability mechanism for the entire life cycle of algorithms. Improve algorithmic ethics guidelines. Clarify the research and application principles of artificial intelligence technology, and strengthen the need for academic research institutions and enterprises to strictly abide by scientific and technological ethics, technical standards, and laws and regulations throughout the entire life cycle of artificial intelligence, so as to guide scientific researchers to develop responsible artificial intelligence. Speed ​​up labor skills training. Encourage Newzealand Sugar to encourage digital skills training institutions to cooperate in depth with enterprises in vertical subdivisions to develop targeted training courses to improve the number of workers Skills to meet the needs of technological development to the greatest extent; at the same time, it is encouraged to strengthen cooperation between universities and enterprises, set up relevant professional courses and practical teaching, and cultivate compound talents that adapt to the development needs of the three-dimensional integration of humans, machines, and things.

(Authors: Pan Jiaofeng and Wu Jing, Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting, Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Public Policy and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contributor to “Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Sciences”)