
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the business operations and work situation in the first quarter of 202Sugar Arrangement4_China Net

Xie Yingjun, Deputy Director and Spokesperson of the Information Bureau of the State Council Information Office:

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome to the press conference of the State Council Information Office. Today we invited Ms. Guo Tingting, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, to introduce to you the business operations and work situation in the first quarter of 2024, and to answer questions that you are interested in. Also present at today’s press conference were: Mr. Yang Tao, Director of the General Affairs Department of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion, Mr. Li Xingqian, Director of the Department of Foreign Trade, and Ms. Ji Xiaofeng, Head of the Department of Foreign Investment Management.

Now, let me first invite Ms. Guo Zelanian sugar to introduce the situation.

2024-04-19 15:00:45

Vice Minister of Commerce Guo Tingting:

Good afternoon, friends from the media! Thank you all for your long-term concern and support for business work. Now, let me briefly introduce the business operations in the first quarter. Everyone has noticed that the national economy got off to a good start in the first quarter, and business operations also showed that the overall situation was becoming increasingly blurred and forgotten, so she had the idea of ​​​​going out. The situation of stabilization and structural optimization has made positive contributions to promoting the sustained economic recovery.

From the perspective of consumption, it is still the main driving force for economic growth. In the first quarter, my country’s GDP grew by 5.3% year-on-year, of which final consumption expenditure contributed 73.7%, driving GDP growth by 3.9 percentage points. Sales of upgraded products achieved rapid growth. In the first quarter, the total retail sales of consumer goods Newzealand Sugar increased by 4.7%, among which the retail sales of sports and entertainment supplies and communication equipment for limited units Increases of 14.2% and 13.2% respectively. The potential of service consumption continues to be released. Consumer demand for high-quality, rich “experiential” consumption continues to rise. Retail sales of services increased by 10% in the first quarter. Catering consumption maintained a relatively high boom, growing by 10.8%.

From the perspective of foreign trade, a solid start has been achieved. The scale of trade in goods in the first quarter was 10.2 trillion yuan, exceeding 10 trillion yuan for the first time in a single quarter; the growth rate was 5%, a new high in six quarters. The contribution rate of net exports to economic growth rose to 14.5%. In terms of commodities, the export of mechanical and electrical products grew rapidly, and the export of labor-intensive products also performed well. Textiles, clothing, furniture and parts increased by 5.4% and 23.5% respectively. Driven by domestic demand, imports of energy and integrated circuits increased by 8% and 14.3% respectively. From a market perspective, emerging markets remain dynamic, with imports and exports to countries co-building the “Belt and Road” growing by 5.5% in the first quarter; markets in developed countries have recovered, with the growth rate of imports and exports to the United States increasing by about 5.5 percentage points compared with the same period last year. from the masterOverall, the number of foreign trade companies with import and export performance increased by 8.8% in the first quarter, of which the number of private companies increased by 10.4%, accounting for 85.3%. A recent survey of key foreign trade companies by the Ministry of Commerce showed that the proportion of companies reporting employment growth in March increased by 1.7 percentage points compared with the previous two months, reaching 88.8%. Business confidence and expectations have further increased.

From the perspective of attracting foreign investment, the “Invest in China” series of activities has received an enthusiastic response. The first landmark event alone attracted more than 140 representatives of foreign companies and business associations from 17 countries and regions. In the first quarter, the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises reached 12,000, an increase of 20.7%. In terms of investment structure, the proportion of investment in high-tech manufacturing in the first quarter reached 12.5%, an increase of 2.2 percentage points from the same period last year. Investment in the service industry, which is closely related to residents’ lives Newzealand Sugar, has also achieved rapid growth. In terms of investment scale, the actual use of foreign capital in the first quarter reached 301.67 billion yuan, which is still at a historically high level.

From the perspective of external investment, stable development has been maintained. In the first quarter, non-financial foreign direct investment was 242.92 billion yuan, an increase of 12.5%, of which investment in ASEAN and the EU grew rapidly, with growth rates of 36.7% and 34.5% respectively; investment in leasing and business services, manufacturing, and wholesale and retail industries were respectively Increases of 45.5%, 36.4% and 14.9%. The contract value of newly signed engineering contracting projects was 330.64 billion yuan, an increase of 11.9%, and the completed turnover was 230.13 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1%.

In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, based on the “three important” positioning of commercial work, Newzealand Sugar focuses on promoting the continued expansion of consumption, consolidating the fundamentals of foreign trade and foreign investment, promoting high-level opening up to the outside world, taking multiple measures to promote high-quality development of business, and providing strong support for the national economy to achieve effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth. support.

The above is a brief introduction. Below, my colleagues Newzealand Sugar and I are willing to answer your questions. Thanks!

2024-04-19 15:08:05

Xie Yingjun:

Thank you, Vice Minister Guo Tingting. You are welcome to ask questions below. Please inform your news organization before asking questions.

2024-04-19 15:08:24

China Financial News reporter:

The 135th China Import and Export Fair is being held, can you introduce Could you please tell me about the current situation of the Canton Fair? Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:10:40

Guo Tingting:

Thank you for your attention to the Canton Fair. Recently, the 135th Canton Fair is being held. Recently, Premier Li Qiang visited the 135th Canton Fair for inspection and hosted two consecutive symposiums to conduct in-depth exchanges with representatives of overseas buyers and exhibitors. This fully reflects the concern and concern of the Party Central Committee and the State Council for the Canton Fair and foreign trade work. attach great importance to it.

We will thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, successfully host the Canton Fair, provide more high-quality products to consumers from all over the world, create more cooperation opportunities for global enterprises, and inject new impetus into the recovery of global economic and trade.

Today is also the last day of the first phase of the Canton Fair. Judging from the current attendance and negotiation situation of exhibitors and merchants, there are four main characteristics:

First, the attendance of overseas buyers As of yesterday, April 18, the number of overseas buyers attending the conference was about 120,000, an increase of 22.7% over the previous session. Second, the structure of exhibitors is more optimized. Among the exhibitors in the first phase, the number of national high-tech enterprises and manufacturing individual champions increased by 33% compared with the previous session, and the number of high-tech enterprises such as smart life, new three kinds, and industrial automation increased by 24.4%. . Third, the exhibits better reflect the development of new productivity. In the first phase, more than 90,000 smart products were displayed on site. The sales of industrial automation equipment, new energy vehicles and other products increased significantly compared with the previous session, and some doubled. Fourth, the functions of the online platform have been further improved. The online platform of this Canton Fair continues to operate on a regular basis. As of yesterday, approximately 294,000 purchasers from 229 countries and regions participated in the exhibition online.

We would also like to extend an invitation to media friends again. This Canton Fair will have its second and third phases, which will be held in Guangzhou on April 23-27 and May 1-5 respectively. , these two phases will focus on displaying daily consumer goods, gifts, home decorations, home textiles and other products. Welcome everyone to continue to pay attention to and report in depth on the Canton Fair. Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:10:51

Jimu News Reporter:

Economic and trade cooperation is an important part of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. May I ask? What achievements did China and its co-building countries achieve in deepening economic and trade cooperation in the first quarter? What are the highlights?

2024-04-19 15:15:14

Yang Tao, Director of the General Affairs Department of the Ministry of Commerce:

Since this year, the Ministry of Commerce has in-depth Zelanian EscortImplement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, conscientiously implement the eight actions of high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, and continuously deepen Economic and trade cooperation with co-building countries has achieved some new progress and new results, which are mainly reflected in four aspects:

First, trade cooperation has started well. In the first quarter, we cooperated with the National Goods TradeImports and exports exceeded 4.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.5%, 0.5 percentage points higher than the overall growth rate of foreign trade, accounting for 47.4% of total imports and exports. In terms of export commodities, there are not only high-tech products such as electronic information, instrumentation, and equipment manufacturing that are closely related to enterprise production, but also consumer goods such as home appliances and clothing that meet people’s livelihood needs. From the perspective of imported goods, we actively share Zelanian sugar China’s large market opportunities with the co-building countries. In the first quarter, the energy imported from the co-building countries Mineral products and industrial products such as integrated circuits and auto parts continue to grow.

Second, foreign investment has developed steadily. In the first quarter, our non-financial direct investment in the co-founding countries reached 54.32 billion yuan, an increase of 12%, accounting for Zelanian sugar‘s external investment in the same period 22.4% of the total. In terms of investment direction, investment in RCEP member states increased by 33.5%, and investment in Central and Eastern European countries increased by 41.3%, both significantly higher than the overall growth rate.

Third, the project construction is stable while improving quality. In the first quarter, the turnover of our jointly constructed national contracting projects reached 184.6 billion yuan, an increase of 7.9%. Cooperation projects pay more attention to green environmental protection. In the first quarter, the turnover of energy-saving and environmental protection projects increased by 18.4%, exceeding the overall growth rate by 12 percentage points. For example, we have undertaken a number of photovoltaic power station projects in the Middle East, West Asia, Central Asia and other regions that have been completed and will provide green and clean energy to the local areas.

Fourth, the construction of cooperation mechanisms has been accelerated. It mainly includes three aspects: In terms of free trade agreement negotiations, we successfully held the fifth round of negotiations on the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 3.0 version, and also signed an early harvest arrangement for the free trade agreement with Honduras. In terms of cooperation in emerging fields, we have signed six new investment cooperation memorandums in digital, green, blue and other fields with the United Arab Emirates, Angola, Maldives and other countries. In terms of exhibition platforms, the just-concluded 4th Consumer Expo and the just-introduced 135th Canton Fair attracted a large number of merchants from the countries participating in the exhibition. The number of buyers from the countries participating in the Canton Fair increased by 4Sugar Daddy 6%, and the proportion of participating countries in the Canton Fair Import Exhibition reached 64%.

In the next step, we will follow the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, fully promote the implementation of the economic and trade results of the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, and further expand trade investment, project construction, emerging fields, etc. The cooperation will provide solid support for the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” to be deepened and implemented. Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:15:30

Cover News Reporter:

We know that this year is about consumption promotionThe first quarter of the year has passed. What are the current characteristics of the consumer market? How will the Ministry of Commerce carry out the work of promoting consumption in the next step? Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:27:00

Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce:

Thank you for your support for consumption promotion work care. After the first quarter, Vice Minister Guo Tingting has just introduced the contribution of the consumer market to economic growth, so I will not repeat it again. As for the new characteristics of the consumer market you are concerned about, they can be summarized into three key words:

First, steady growth. Mainly reflected in bulk consumption, automobiles, home appliances, home furnishings and other commodity categories. In the first quarter, new car sales were 6.72 million units, a year-on-year increase of 10.6%, of which new energy vehicles increased by 31.8% year-on-year. The retail sales of household appliances in units above designated size increased by 5.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1.1 percentage points higher than the total retail sales of enterprises. The performance of building materials was even more impressive, with retail sales growth turning from negative to positive. It was -7.8% at the end of last year. After the first quarter, the growth rate turned positive to 2.4%.

Second, demand is strong. The focus is on service consumption. In the first quarter, service retail sales increased by 10.0% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 6 percentage points higher than the retail sales of goods. Per capita service consumption expenditure of residents increased by 12.7% year-on-year, accounting for 43.3% of per capita consumption expenditure. The country’s catering revenue was 1.34 trillion, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%.

Third, there are many bright spots. This is mainly reflected in new consumption. In the first quarter, the national online retail sales were 3.3 trillion, a year-on-year increase of 12.4%, and the online retail sales of physical goods were 2.8 trillion, an increase of 11.6%, accounting for 23.3% of the total retail sales. The concept of green consumption is becoming increasingly popular, and the sales of green organic food at key monitored retail enterprises Zelanian sugar increased by approximately 14% year-on-year.

These are the three characteristics of the consumer market in the first quarter. Stable growth is reflected in bulk, strong demand is reflected in services, and there are many highlightsSugar DaddyNow available in new style.

This year is the year of consumption promotion, which is written into the work report of the two sessions. We are actively promoting relevant work in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. The general idea is a two-wheel drive of “policy + activities”. In terms of policy NZ Escorts adheres to a problem-oriented approach, focusing on solving the congestion and difficult problems in the circulation field, and introducing a series of policies to enhance consumer confidence. Some policies have been introduced around the trade-in of consumer goods, digital consumption, catering consumption, rural e-commerce, and recycling of renewable resources. In the next step, we will also focus on international consumption center citiesRelevant policies and measures will continue to be introduced for cultivation and construction, innovative development of service consumption, and construction of modern commercial and trade circulation systems.

In terms of activities, I have introduced it to all the reporter friends before. We focus on the theme of “Enjoying the great benefits for everyone all year round” and “Is he serious?”. There are scenes every week and activities every month. , Every season has a theme. In terms of event organization, we adhere to the “four highlights”. The first is to highlight festive seasons, such as the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival and the upcoming May Day. We organized a series of consumption promotion activities to continue to create a strong festival atmosphere. The second is to highlight the integration of business formats. As we all know, business, travel, culture, sports and fitness are all integrating across industries. After the Spring Festival, the 110th “Spring Sugar Fair” in Chengdu turned the trade fair into an “exhibition + tourism, music, food” multiple scenes, “spring sweets after the Spring Festival”. The third is to highlight key categories. For key categories such as automobiles, home appliances, and home furnishings involved in the trade-in of consumer goods, we will continue to carry out promotional activities. The fourth is to highlight local characteristics. For example, Beijing’s consumption season highlights “JING color” and “Beijing flavor”, Guangxi’s “33 Consumer Festival” fully integrates national customs and characteristics, and Fujian’s “Fujian Tesco” highlights the local cultural heritage. Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:27:11

CCTV reporter:

The World Trade Organization released the goods trade data for the whole year of 2023. China’s import and export market share remains stable, ranking first in global goods trade for seven consecutive years. How does the Ministry of Commerce view the current and future foreign trade situation? Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:35:52

Guo Tingting:

Thank you for your question. I will answer this question. In 2023, in the face of many difficulties and challenges, China’s foreign trade import and export withstood the pressure, stabilized its scale and share, fully demonstrated its strong development resilience, and maintained its status as the largest country in goods trade for seven consecutive years. In 2023, my country’s export international market share will be 14.2%, the same as the previous year. The international import market share was 10.6%, a slight increase from the previous year. In the first quarter of this year, my country’s import and export of goods increased by 5%, continuing to show a trend of stabilization and improvement, with stability and progress. Against the background of the slowdown in world trade growth, it is extremely difficult to achieve such results.

Looking forward to the next stage of foreign trade situation, in general we feel that there are both opportunities and challenges. From the perspective of opportunities, they can be briefly summarized into three aspects, or “three good”.

First, the domestic economy is picking up and improving, and the foundation has been continuously consolidated. The performance of foreign trade is closely related to the domestic economy. In the first quarter, the national economy grew by 5.3%, and the added value of industries above designated size nationwide increased by 6.1%. This provides a solid foundation for us to consolidate our foreign trade fundamentals.

Second, business expectations continue to improve and confidence continues to increase. In March, China’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) was 50.8%, returning to the expansion range. Recently, more than 20,000 exhibitors at the Canton FairA questionnaire survey was conducted, and the results showed that the proportion of companies with orders on hand increased or stayed the same reached 81.5%, an increase of 16.8 from the previous session Zelanian Escort percentage points, companies are relatively optimistic about the situation of orders and are more enthusiastic about exploring international markets.

Third, key industries are stabilizing and improving, with increasing momentum. After a two-year downturn in the electronic information industry, trade in main products is gradually recovering. In the first quarter, my country’s integrated circuits grew by 24.2%, imports increased by 14.3%, and exports of computers and parts increased by 8.6%. This also shows that our industrial supporting and Integration capabilities.

From the perspective of challenges, three aspects are highlighted:

First, the expected slowdown in the growth of external demand. Recently, the WTO released the NZ Escorts global trade outlook and statistical report, which lowered the growth rate of goods trade volume in 2024 to 2.6%. , 0.7 percentage points lower than the forecast value in October last year.

Second, the risk of geopolitical conflicts has increased. The crisis in Ukraine has been prolonged, the impact of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to spill over, and the Red Sea channel has been blocked, which has changed the global shipping pattern and risks to crude oil supply are increasing. This year is the global “super election year”, which also brings many variables.

Third, trade protectionism is gaining momentum. During our research and communication, “Hua’er, what’s wrong with you? Don’t scare your mother! Hurry up! Call the doctor over, hurry up!” Mother Lan turned her head in panic and called to the maid standing beside her. Foreign trade companies generally report that some countries have politicized trade issues and set up various trade barriers, interfering with the stability of global industrial and supply chains. Companies are facing increased interference and difficulty in developing markets.

Currently, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce is working with various localities and departments to research and launch a series of targeted, pragmatic and effective support measures to stabilize foreign trade to help foreign trade companies strengthen their motivation and market development. We are confident and capable of achieving this year’s goal of “improving quality and stabilizing quantity” of foreign trade, and making our contribution to promoting sustained economic recovery and long-term improvement. Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:36:07

China Daily reporter:

In recent years, we have noticed some changes in the structure of China’s export products How does the Ministry of Commerce view the trade structure issue and its judgment on the prospects for trade growth this year? Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:36:37

Director of the Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of CommerceSugar Daddy Li Xingqian:

Thank you for your question. In recent years, China’s export structure has been optimized and upgraded. From the perspective of product structure, the export of high-tech, high value-added products that lead the green and low-carbon transformation has good momentum. Taking the “three new items” of new energy vehicles, photovoltaic products, and lithium batteries as examples, the total exports of the “three new items” will increase by 88.4% in 2022, and will further increase by 27.6% in 2023. The export scale has exceeded one trillion yuanNZ EscortsRMB. At the same time, we have seen that a large number of Chinese foreign trade companies are focusing on improving their independent research and development capabilities and promoting digital, intelligent, and green transformation, which is forming a Chinese manufacturing industrySugar Daddy’s innovative advantage.

From the perspective of trade methods, the proportion of my country’s general trade exports continues to increase, reaching 64.6% in 2023, which reflects the continuous enhancement of my country’s ability to develop independent foreign trade. Processing trade is extending from traditional processing and manufacturing links to high value-added links such as design and maintenance. In 2023, the proportion of high-tech products in my country’s total processing trade exports will increase to 53%.

From the perspective of market distribution, trading partners are more diverse. In 2023, the proportion of emerging markets in my country’s exports will increase to 55.3%. We have closer trade relations with the countries co-building the “Belt and Road”. In the first quarter of this year, the proportion of exports to the countries co-building the “Belt and Road” further increased to 46.7%.

Based on the export performance in the first quarter, we see that there are three areas that are full of innovation and have the potential for sustained growth.

First, the export base of complete sets of equipment is solid. China’s automobile and equipment manufacturing industries have condensed the innovation results of long industrial chains and entire industrial chains. If some of the components and functional systems are taken out individually, they are full of creativity and technology. Let me give you two simple examples. In-vehicle voice systems in cars are now moving towards the field of AI at a high speed; forklifts commonly used in factories, warehousing and logistics are now gradually becoming electrified and unmanned, and they are all undergoing iterative upgrades.

Second, the export demand for smart products has increased. China’s export products are developing towards “specialized, special and new” and are deeply exploring subdivided fields. Intelligent products such as robots are loved by consumers. In the home field, there are sweeping robots, swimming pool cleaning robots, automatic lawn mowing robots, and high-altitude curtain wall cleaning robots for high-rise buildings. They are all born in response to demand, and they all have their own “black” science and technology”. In the field of industrial robots, China is also an important export country and application market. According to statistics from the International Federation of Robotics, the average annual growth rate of robot installations in China from 2017 to 2022 will be 13%. Customs data shows that China’s industrial robot export growth rate will reach 86.4% in 2023.

Third, low-carbon, energy-saving and environmentally friendly products are very popular. Nowadays, environmentally friendly dinner plates and environmentally friendly straws made of biodegradable materials are substitutedZelanian sugar Disposable plastic products have become the mainstream choice in the market. Biodegradable tableware made from sugarcane bagasse is selling well in exports, making bagasse more expensive than sugarcane. There are also some areas, such as more energy-saving air source heat pump equipment, which saves up to 75% of energy compared to traditional electric heating or coal-fired boilers. These products are selling well in the European market. For example, new textile fabrics that can be printed and dyed without water can make the printing and dyeing process more water-saving and energy-saving, and there is no sewage discharge, which is deeply recognized by customers.

At the same time, we must also see that traditional labor-intensive products still have competitive advantages. In the first quarter, my country’s exports of labor-intensive products increased by 9.1%; among them, exports of textiles and clothing increased by 5.4%, exports of plastic products increased by 14%, and exports of furniture and parts increased by 23.5%. Currently, Made in China is moving towards Created in China. New export growth points will continue to emerge, and we are confident that we will achieve this year’s goal of “increasing quality and stabilizing quantity” in foreign trade. Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:48:21

Reporter from China Voice:

Since last year, there have been some fluctuations in my country’s foreign investment data. How does the Ministry of Commerce view the current investment attraction situation? What further work will be done next? Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:56:55

Ji Xiaofeng, Head of the Department of Foreign Investment Management of the Ministry of Commerce:

Thank you for your question. Looking at the overall situation of global cross-border investment and looking at the conditions of various economies, FDI fluctuations are a normal phenomenon. A comprehensive analysis of my country’s situation in attracting foreign investment requires not only changes in the scale of investment, but also the optimization of the investment structure and future development prospects.

First, let’s look at changes in the scale of investment. In the first quarter of this year, my country’s foreign investment attracted more than 300 billion yuan. In the same period last year, my country’s investment reached the highest level in quarterly investment history. In the first quarter of this year, there was a year-on-year decline, which was indeed affected by the high base number. In addition, in the first quarter of this year, the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises in my country reached 12,000, a year-on-year increase of 20.7%, continuing the rapid growth trend of newly established enterprises since last year. Foreign investment usually has a process from project signing, company registration to completion and commissioning. During this process, foreign capital will continue to be invested as the project construction progresses, so data fluctuations are relatively common. The growth in the number of newly established enterprises has a certain weather vane effect and will provide certain support for future capital inflows.

Second, look at the optimization of the investment structure. In the first quarter of this year, the actual use of foreign investment in my country’s manufacturing industry reached 81.06 billion yuan, of which the investment in high-tech manufacturing reached 37.76 billion yuan, accounting for an increase of 2.3 and 2.2 percentage points in the national investment compared with the same period last year. The growth in investment in some advanced manufacturing fields is also relatively high. Fast, for example, the investment in medical equipment manufacturing industry increased significantly by 169% year-on-year.7%, fully demonstrating the continuous optimization of my country’s investment structure.

Overall, the basic trend of China’s economic recovery and long-term improvement has not changed. As my country’s development of new productive forces continues to advance, and the effects of a series of policies to stabilize the economy, promote openness, and attract foreign investment continue to emerge, the conditions and environment for the development of foreign investment in China will become increasingly better. Recently, the American management consulting service company Kearney released the 2024 Global Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index. China’s ranking jumped from 7th last year to 3rd. This reflects from one aspect that multinational companies will continue to expand investment in China. will.

In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will thoroughly implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the Government Work Report, and continue to promote five aspects of work: First, relax foreign investment access. Reasonably reduce the negative list for foreign investment access, comprehensively cancel access restrictions in the manufacturing sector, and relax market access for medical, telecommunications and other service industries; revise the catalog of industries that encourage foreign investment, add encouraged items, and use “one reduction and one increase” to provide foreign investment China offers wider space. The second is to strengthen investment promotionNZ Escorts. We will organize the key activities of “Invest in China” well, increase the intensity of “going global” investment promotion, focus on advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, digital intelligence technology, green technology and other fields to carry out targeted investment promotion, and continue to optimize the structure of investment attraction industries. The third is to strengthen service guarantee. Give full play to the role of the special team for working on key foreign-funded projects, make good use of the roundtable meetings of foreign-funded enterprises and the “Collection and Handling of Problems and Appeals of Foreign-funded Enterprises” system, communicate candidly and pragmatically with foreign-funded enterprises, and promptly solve the difficult problems reported by the enterprises. The fourth is to create an open platform. In line with international high-standard economic and trade rules, we will implement the plan to deepen the construction of a comprehensive demonstration zone for the expansion of opening-up in Beijing’s service industry, and launch a new round of opening-up and innovation policies and measures in other pilot provinces and cities in a timely manner. We will also combine the series of activities for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the first batch of national economic and technological development zones to promote innovation and upgrading of national economic and technological development zones and strengthen their role as investment attraction platforms. The fifth is to optimize the investment environment. Recently, the “24 Foreign Investment Measures” supporting measures have been continuously implemented, such as policies to promote cross-border data flow and optimize payment services, which have been widely praised by foreign-invested enterprises. In the next step, we will continue to promote the implementation of the “24 Articles of Foreign Investment”, re-evaluate the implementation of the policy in a timely manner, and truly transform the policies and measures into a real sense of gain for foreign-invested enterprises. Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:57:04

Nanfang Daily Nanfang+ reporter:

The Ministry of Commerce and other departments recently released the “Action Plan for Promoting the Trade-in of Consumer Goods” 》How will this plan be implemented? For ordinary consumers, what tangible benefits can be obtained from the trade-in Zelanian Escort operation?

2024-04-19 15:57:50

Xu Xingfeng:

Thank the reporter for paying attention to the trade-in. With the approval of the State Council, 14 departments including the Ministry of Commerce issued the “Action Plan for Promoting the Trade-in of Consumer Goods for New”, and quickly held a work promotion meeting with relevant departments to coordinate departments and local governments to implement it. At present, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shandong, Hunan, Shanxi and other places have introduced detailed measures, and automobile, home appliance, home furnishing and other companies involved in trade-in have responded and launched preferential gift packages. We also hold local activities of the National Consumer Goods Trade-in Action across the country, and strive to make the policy known to every household through these activities. During the 4th Consumer Expo, the first stop event has been launched in Haikou. At the departmental level, we work with relevant departments to refine policies and measures as soon as possible, improve operating procedures, and strive to make operations simple and clear.

The reporter just now was concerned about how consumers can get benefits from trading in old products for new ones. The trade-in of consumer goods for new ones is a major decision-making arrangement made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and we are actively promoting its implementation. The trade-in of consumer goods for new ones involves thousands of households and the vital interests of the people. We respect the wishes of consumers and respond to their demands in policy design to give consumers a sense of gain. This is specifically reflected in the following aspects:

In terms of automobiles, selling old cars or scrapping old cars and buying new ones is an operating point for ordinary people. We focus on this point, extend on the chain, expand on the surface, and penetrate into all links of the entire chain of automobile circulation and consumption. The core is to make people more satisfied. Specifically, first, it is more affordable to buy a car. At present, enterprises are responding positively and offering profit promotions one after another. In terms of policy, we have launched a policy package and implemented a combination of punches to provide benefits from finance, taxation, credit, insurance and other aspects to reduce the cost of buying a car and make it more affordable. Second, it is more convenient to use a car. The next step will be to further improve charging, parking, smart transportation and other infrastructure. Carry out pilot reform of automobile circulation and consumption, and support the development of automobile modification, leasing, RV camping, sports events, traditional classic cars (vintage cars) and other industries. Third, selling a car is more worry-free. Promote the lifting of nationwide restrictions on the relocation of second-hand cars, stimulate demand for second-hand cars, and make the prices for car owners more satisfactory. Establish a second-hand car information query platform to make car condition information more transparent and car prices fairer. People will feel as confident buying second-hand cars as they do new cars. At the same price, you can buy a second-hand car in better condition and with more guaranteed after-sales service, making the car owner happier. Fourth, scrapping is more convenient. The last step in car circulation is scrapping. We encourage dismantling companies to come to collect cars, making it more convenient for car owners to sell scrapped vehicles. In general, it is more affordable to buy a car, more convenient to use the car, more worry-free to sell the car, and more convenient to scrap it.

Home appliances, home decoration, kitchen and bathroom. The first is to highlight consumption convenience. There is no place to put old furniture if you don’t want to throw it away, there is no one to collect the old household appliances that you don’t want to throw away, and there is no place to stay for temporary renovation. These are all difficulties that ordinary people encounter in their daily lives. We encourage the creation of “storage rooms”, “recycling stations” and “swing rooms”, as well as “Internet + recycling” and “one-stop collection of old items, delivery of new items, and disassembly and assembly” to make decoration more worry-free. The second is to highlight information transparency. Nowadays, everyone lives a healthier life, pursues green building materials, and has elderly people at home.Some consumers don’t know which building materials are green and which ones are suitable for aging renovation. Newzealand Sugar‘s aging products are excellent. We work with relevant departments to carry out activities to bring green building materials to the countryside, dynamically improve the catalog of aging-friendly home products, and promote home decoration “model rooms” to enter shopping malls, communities, and platforms so that consumers can obtain this information through multiple channels. The third is to highlight wisdom and convenience. The focus is on smart homes. Nowadays, smart homes are developing rapidly and have entered thousands of households. However, the compatibility of smart products of different brands is insufficient. Sometimes there are a lot of remote controls. The next step is to work with relevant departments to speed up the improvement of interconnection standards. Promote the implementation of smart products in more life scenes. The fourth is to highlight environmental optimization. We will organize and carry out actions such as “Safety Home Decoration into the Community” and improvement of after-sales service for home appliances to make everyone feel more comfortable and confident in their consumption.

In the next step, we will continue to listen extensively to opinions and suggestions from all parties, and do our best to do good things well so that consumers can get real benefits. We also welcome friends from the media and consumers to comment on the implementation of the policy. and supervise implementation effects. Thanks.

2024-04-19 15:58:00

Poster News Reporter:

The Ministry of Commerce has established a roundtable mechanism for foreign-invested enterprises, which has been organized since this year We have held a number of roundtable meetings with foreign-funded enterprises. Could you please introduce the results achieved by the roundtable meetings with foreign-funded enterprises in providing service guarantees for foreign-funded enterprises? What are your next steps?

2024-04-19 16:06:29

Ji Xiaofeng:

Thank you for your questions and your attention to the roundtable. In accordance with the Zelanian Escort regulations of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, in July 2023, the Ministry of Commerce relied on the foreign trade and foreign investment coordination service mechanism to upgrade and establish a round table for foreign-invested enterprises Meeting system to further strengthen regular communication and exchanges with foreign-invested enterprises and foreign business associations. The roundtable meeting does not set “rules and regulations” and encourages companies to speak freely. After the meeting, the problems and demands reported by the companies are managed in a ledger and continue to be tracked and resolved, which is highly praised by foreign-funded companies. Overall, the roundtable played three roles:

First, it smoothed expression channels and fully listened to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises. So far, the Ministry of Commerce has held 24 roundtable meetings for foreign-funded enterprises, with more than 600 foreign-funded enterprises and foreign business associations participating. Among them, 9 have been held this year, including roundtable meetings held overseas to communicate with foreign-funded enterprises in Germany, France, and Denmark, and roundtable meetings held domestically with themes in the fields of medicine, consumer goods, etc. At the roundtable meeting, the Ministry of Commerce worked with relevant departments to learn more about the problems and complaints of foreign-invested enterprises in various countries and industries face-to-face and point-to-point.The requests for opinions and suggestions provide an important reference for formulating policies and optimizing services.

The second is to strengthen policy interpretation and fully publicize China’s business environment. Since last year, we have relied on roundtable meetings and other activities to analyze comprehensive policies such as the “24 Foreign Investment Articles” and the new action plan issued by the General Office of the State Council to attract foreign investment, special policies such as cross-border data flow and environmental protection, and the Chengdu-Chongqing region. The continuous interpretation of regional opening-up policies such as the Shuangcheng Economic Circle allows foreign-funded enterprises to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of my country’s major policies and measures, and fully grasp new investment opportunities in China.

The third is to adhere to a problem-oriented approach and coordinate to resolve emergencies, difficulties and worries. Based on the pain points and difficult issues reported by foreign-funded enterprises at the roundtable meeting, the Ministry of Commerce established a list of issues and worked with relevant departments to continue to promote solutions. Since the establishment of the roundtable system, it has promoted multiple departments to introduce a number of measures to benefit enterprises, including facilitating foreigners to come to China, clarifying the requirements for cross-border data flow, and extending the preferential policy of subsidy and tax exemption for foreign individuals in accordance with relevant national regulations.

In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will further Zelanian Escort give full play to the role of the roundtable system of foreign-funded enterprises and make the roundtable Create an important platform for candid communication, pragmatic exchanges and problem solving between the government and enterprises. Thanks!

2024-04-19 16:06:58

Xie Yingjun:

Last question.

2024-04-19 1Zelanian sugar6:07:22

中新zealand Journalist:

Greenization and digitalization represent new momentum and new trends in the development of foreign trade. What are the specific manifestations of greening and digitalization in the current foreign trade field? What measures will the Ministry of Commerce take in the future to further improve the level of “informatization and industrialization”. Thanks.

2024-04-19 16:07:41

Li Xingqian:

Thank you for your question. Greening and digitalization are the direction and future of international trade development, and they are also the two new driving forces for product innovation and structural upgrading of foreign trade.

In terms of promoting the green development of trade, Chinese foreign trade companies have always been at the forefront of global carbon emission reduction practices, actively promoting the transformation of green and low-carbon concepts into products and services. In the design and R&D process, Chinese foreign trade companies carry out green product evaluation and certification according to green design product standards, highlighting product emission reduction, low carbon and recyclability. In the raw material procurement process, recyclable resources and degradable materials are now used more in foreign trade products. In the production and manufacturing process, Chinese companiesThe industry actively participates in green electricity and green certificate transactions, strengthens energy conservation and carbon reduction management, carries out process transformation, and reduces the carbon footprint of foreign trade products. Taking Zhejiang as an example, in the first quarter of this year, the green certificate transactions in Zhejiang Province were equivalent to 5.94 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. In the logistics and warehousing link, more and more companies are now beginning to use new energy heavy trucks and ships for transportation, reducing carbon emissions in foreign trade transportation and delivery.

In the field of green development, we must do four things well. The first is to popularize it, organize training for enterprises, explain rules and interpret policies, and enhance the awareness and development capabilities of foreign trade enterprises in green and low-carbon development. The second is to build a platform and provide a normalized public service platform for the society. The third is to promote demonstrations. It is necessary to select and publish typical cases nationwide and promote experience and practices. The fourth is to promote cooperation, strengthen communication and consultation through multilateral and bilateral channels, and expand the market space for green products.

In terms of improving the level of trade digitalization, digital technology is now penetrating into the entire trade process and every link of Zelanian sugar , injecting new impetus into the development of international trade. In the production process, traditional production lines have been upgraded and transformed intelligently, and customized and small-batch flexible production capabilities have been significantly improved. In the marketing process, digital technology helps our foreign trade companies accurately connect with customers, reduce transaction costs, and improve market development capabilities and brand cultivation capabilities. In the logistics link, using electronic trade documents, after digitization, the document processing speed can now be increased by 80%, and the operating cost has been reduced by 30%. In the after-sales link, Chinese foreign trade companies now use after-sales intelligent diagnosis and remote support tools, which have greatly improved the efficiency of after-sales services such as intelligent spare parts and distribution. In addition, we will work with relevant departments to promote digital upgrades in relevant aspects of trade, including improving customs clearance efficiency and providing more and more convenient financing support for foreign trade companies.

In the field of trade digitization, we have four focus points. The first Sugar Daddy guides the update Zelanian EscortMultiple trading entities use electronic trade documents to promote interconnection among document platform companies. Second, accelerate the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a global trade digital pilot area and explore the connection between digital infrastructure and rules and standards, thereby accelerating the digital integration development of the entire trade chain. Third, cultivate leading companies in digital transformation while also providing digital solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises. Fourth, rely on multilateral and bilateral platforms to strengthen trade digital cooperation with our trading partners and jointly explore more implementation scenarios in the trade field. Thanks.

2024-04-19 16:08:03

Xie Yingjun:

Thank you to all publishers for their introductions, and to all journalists and friends for their participation. That’s it for today’s press conference, goodbye!

2024-04-19 16:08:35